Impact Your World

Jesus And Culture Week 3, Devotion 2

Your devotion today is different than previous days. It’s kind of an assignment. But it’s a cool one. 

Put this down, pick up your Bible or Bible app, and read Matthew 25:31-40. It won’t take you long at all. 

Finished? Good . . . 

its-your-worldWhen it’s all said and done, don’t you want to be able to say that you cared for those who most needed it? Then stop goofing around. Go and do it. Today. Now. What are you waiting for?

Seriously . . . Let today be the day that you begin to make a difference in the lives of those who most need it. It’s one of the many ways God is waiting to work through you. 

Let today be the day you begin to make an impact on your world.